Michigan St Spartans Tee, Hoodie, Pullover 3XL 4XL 5XL 6XL XLT-5XLT
If you have never experienced the fan participation and passion for Michigan St., then head out to Spartan Stadium during the football season, or catch a basketball game at the Breslin Center. Spartan fans really know how to show their fan spirit, that is for certain. Listed below are Michigan St. Spartans tee shirts, hoodie sweatshirts, pullover jackets and more. Sizes are S-2X in regular, big and tall 3X (3XL), 4X (4XL), 5X (5XL), 6X (6XL). Extended tall sizing Spartan’s gear available in XLT (XT), 2XLT (2XT), 3XLT (3XT), 4XLT (4XT), and 5XLT (5XT).
Disclosure : We are affiliated with dozens of Online retailers & Manufacturers including from name brands like Nike, Adidas, Colosseum, Majestic, etc.. We receive a small commission for recommending online retailers who carry big & tall apparel for the Spartans. This does not change the price you would ordinarily pay by a single penny. We just get a small referral bonus for aligning the consumer with the product that they are searching for. We hope we have helped to find the gear you need and want!
Big & Tall Michigan St. Spartans Tee Shirt

The big and tall Michigan St. Spartans tee shown above is just one of many Spartan polo shirts that are available. You can browse through dozens of polo shirts, tee shirts, hoodies, 1/4 & 1/2 zip pullover jackets and more.
Instead of browsing through the entire big & tall Michigan St. Spartans apparel selection, we recommend browsing by the particular size that you need.
Browse Michigan St. Apparel by Size
Extended Tall Sizing
XLT – 2XLT – 3XLT – 4XLT – 5XLT
Also Browse Big & Tall College Gear for over 500 Teams
Big & Tall Michigan St. Spartans Hoodies

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East Lansing, home of the Spartans can get cold during the fall and winter season.. This coincides exactly when Michigan St. is competing in many sports including their college basketball and football season. Having a warm fleece Michigan St. Spartans hoodie will help keep you cozy while cheering the Spartans on to victory.
We are affiliated with dozens of online retailers who sell Spartans gear. Only a few carry big and tall apparel in sizes that many men are seeking. Here are our recommended sources to help you find officially licensed Spartans apparel in big and tall 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X, XLT, 2XLT, 3XLT, 4XLT, and 5XLT.
Fans Edge Sports :
Return policy – 365 days.
International shipping – Yes.
What types of Michigan St. Spartans apparel is available – Alumni apparel for all of their sports programs. In fact, they carry custom Michigan State tee shirts and hoodies that allow you to “Pick a Sport” and choose between the following sports :
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cross Country
- Field Hockey
- Football
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Rowing
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
Sizes available – S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL, XT, 2XT, 3XT, 4XT, 5XT.
Browse Big & Tall Michigan St. Spartans Gear at Fans Edge Sports
Big & Tall Michigan St. Spartans Tee Shirts & Hoodies also available at :
Majestic Athletics :
You may have heard of Majestic. The are the official suppliers for MLB Jerseys. However, they sell much more than that, including Michigan St. apparel. Furthermore, they also have a great big & tall section, as well as a women’s plus size apparel section.
Return policy – The return policy WAS 60 days, but recently they have changed this to 365 days! Great news for customers who like to purchase fan gear well in advance of the season, or maybe as a gift for a loved one.
Shipping fee – $4.99 flat rate fee. Shipping is often waived when orders are over $40-$50.
Men’s sizes available – S, M, L, XL, XXL (2X), 3XL (3X), 4XL (4X), 5XL (5X), 6XL (6X). XLT (XT), 2XLT (2XT), 3XLT (3XT), 4XLT (4XT), 5XLT (5XT).
Women’s Spartans gear available in – Small, Medium, Plus Medium, Large, Plus Large, XL, Plus XL, Classic XXL, Plus 2X, Classic 3XL, Plus 3X, Classic 4XL, Plus 4X.
Types of Spartans gear available – Alumni tee shirts for all sports programs including basketball, football, volleyball, wrestling, and more. Additionally they carry Spartans polo tees, fleece hoodies, zip hoodies, 1/4 pullover jackets, 1/2 zip pullover jackets, tank tops, jerseys and more.
Do they offer a cheap clearance section? – Yes, you can find some real cheap apparel on sale here.
Browse Big & Tall Michigan St. Apparel at Sports Fanatics